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Every year, we provide field work placements to advanced year graduate students in social work programs. These interns work with us for the whole school year, from September to May. They are handpicked for our practice and are closely supervised by our staff clinicians. For intern sessions, we offer a reduced sliding scale range



MSW candidate



In a world that tries to mold us into a box of endless productivity, there is little space for self-discovery, deep relationships, or connection to body, mind, and soul. I support those who find themselves outside the box – suddenly understanding that the grind is not the way to feeling fulfilled and joyful.

Zara Raven

MSW candidate


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Assata Shakur said, “It’s not enough just to change the system. We need to change ourselves.”


How do we build in our microcosms the liberatory world we want to create? The work starts at home: in our communities, our relationships, and ourselves.

Paola Salas

MSW candidate



Sometimes therapy can feel intimidating. It can be daunting to explore the deepest parts of ourselves or sit with the heaviest feelings. But I believe taking this leap is a profound act of self-love. To choose to confront what we’ve realized can no longer be ignored and create something new with it. As a therapist, I am honored to share this space with you and join you in this process.

Lily Alexander

MSS candidate



As a therapist, I believe that we all need to feel heard and witnessed. In saying the unsayable — and being held through it — our shame and pain can start to melt away. In session, my approach is warm, curious, active, and engaged. I am here to discuss everything from life’s small potatoes to life’s deepest challenges.

Online Teaching

We select between 2-4 interns a year. The goal is to support the development of new clinicians as they enter into the field, with a keen eye towards critical thought, anti-racism and an ability to practice that center marginalized psyches. We accept applications between January and March.

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